Management Lesson From Kitchen

After my recent business trip for our company Lets Nurture & Karconenct, I & my wife had a plan to spend some time together. Due to rainy season we had to do it at home. We decided to get high by cooking. My wife is a wonderful cook for Gujju Cuisine.

The Muffin Experience..

Muffin is not that difficult thing to cook so we decided to play with it. Here we both had a great experience with each-other ( we had this encounter in past but at that time we did not put second thought on it).

Always good to be at receiving end sometime..

Whenever I am in kitchen it is kind of a yoga for me.. It gives me some detachment with the routine, gives me some mental exercise. But for my wife it is whole different thing & we know this.

I started preparing things for muffin , she started suggesting, I started doing as per my own.. She started arguing.. I kept following my way & she started yelling. Even though I am familiar with my Kitchen , I was struggling to get some tools. And it helped me to realize things look easy from far & even if you know it can take time sometime.

Then I revolted “ Have I ever asked you how you should be cooking everyday?” And She reverted “No”  & added but in many of the stuff which I dont know you and you tell me to do you act similarly. It was a pause moment for me :).

Know your end customer’s requirement

Then she started telling me to go out I did not know why she was insisting me to go out of kitchen initially. But when I did not she told me to add 1 tb spoon oil . I said “no” And She said then it will not be soft. I said you have to understand we have to stay low fat & I am absolutely fine with bad taste or bad experience. Here She learned a lesson ( And I too) that whatever we are cooking it is has to be in best of your end customer’s point of view.

Its not always like what you think

Next week I decided to help her in morning with Tea. Making Tea is a simple task but it also needs 100% concentration.I realized by forgetting closing lid , spoiling kitchen floor due to not focusing properly. In couple of days I realized it is really great activity to recharge brain in the morning but it is definitely not that easy to adopt new things. Willingness to change is a must for the improvement.

Following weekend we learned how to make Tacos & it was amazing 🙂

We learned another lesson of communication.. 🙂





